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Home / Moscow hotels / Marriott Tverskaya

Marriott Tverskaya

Hotel address 34 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya str., Moscow, 125047, Russia

  • Marriott Tverskaya
  • Marriott Tverskaya
  • Marriott Tverskaya

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Arrival date
Departure date
Room category
Type room

Marriott Tverskaya hotel is located on legendary Tverskaya Street in the heart of Moscow. Great shopping, Red Square, the Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral, and Lenin's Mausoleum are all just a short walk away.

Additional information:

- additional breakfast: 1150 rub
- additional breakfast for children under 12 years old: 575 rub.

Period Alicomm rates (per night in Rubels -p.)
taxes are included
Single RUB Double RUB Breaêfast
Business Suite     
Prices include VAT.

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